Magic Tissue Is Safe to Use, As Long as You Use It Correctly
Magic tissue is one of the products that is in demand by many men to improve the experience of having sex with their partners. This product can make erections last longer because men do not ejaculate easily.

TIMES Network – data-sourcepos="5:1-5:234">Magic tissue is one of the products that is in demand by many men to improve the experience of having sex with their partners. This product can make erections last longer because men do not ejaculate easily.
However, is it safe to use magic tissue continuously?
Dr. Taufiq Hidayat M.Kes., Sp.And (K), an andrologist, said that magic tissue is safe to use if used correctly.
"Make sure to wash it clean before intercourse. This tissue contains chemicals," said Dr. Taufiq, who is also the Director of RSU BRIMedika Malang, on Monday, October 23, 2023.
The man who once served as the Head of RSUD Blambangan and RSUD Genteng, Banyuwangi Regency, added that in essence, magic tissue creates a numbing effect or reduces the sensitivity of the penis so that it can delay ejaculation. For this reason, before intercourse, the penis must be washed clean.
"The penis must be washed clean before intercourse to ensure safety. If not washed clean, the female partner may also feel numb. This makes intercourse not enjoyable," continued Dr. Taufiq.
In addition, Dr. Taufiq suggests that men always maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to overcome the problem of premature ejaculation.
"In addition, manage stress. High stress can disrupt sex hormone production," said the doctor from Banyuwangi.
Another thing that can be done is to do male kegels. Male kegels involve contracting the penis muscles like you're stopping the flow of urine when you pee and holding it for a few seconds. This is done repeatedly and regularly.
"Kegel exercises can help tighten the muscles that are important for sexual function," he said.
And finally, Dr. Taufiq suggests that men with sexual problems consult with a specialist. This is done to find the right solution to address the existing problems.
"Consult with an andrologist or a competent doctor. Don't just take strong medicine. Because people with high blood pressure certainly have different drugs and doses from those with heart problems," he said.(*)
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